Sunday, October 21, 2012

HamRadioNow Special Edition - Steve Mendelsohn W2ML

Video of the last interview of Steve Mendelsohn W2ML

The Hall of Science Amateur Radio Club was privileged to have Steve Mendelsohn give a very informative talk at one of meetings just a few short years ago. He spoke about his experience with the Jets and Patriots controversy and some of his history in amateur radio. It was my first time meeting Steve, a very kind of man who was very generous with his time and experience. He was a leader in our shared hobby and someone we can look to as a example. We are all richer for having met him.
Special thanks to John Ronan K3AJJ, Jim McCarthy K6BBA, Gary Pearce KN4AQ, Bill Pasternack WA6ITF for all their work on this video.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Field Day 2012

This year I was only available to help with some of the setup for the HOSARC field day. The guys had worked out a network of diapoles and end fed wires that covered UHF, VHF,& HF. I got a few contacts on 15 meters and we even had a visitor from out of town who came by to operate.