Monday, January 31, 2011

Amatuer Radio to the rescue of Protesters in Egypt.

No matter your stance on the student push for democracy in Egypt, it is very exciting to hear that they are using amateur radio and more specifically CW to get the word out on the protests. When all else fails, including the internet,... amateur radio.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act of 2011

The H.R.81: Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act of 2011 is a bill in the House of Representatives... "To promote and encourage the valuable public service, disaster relief, and emergency communications provided on a volunteer basis by licensees of the Federal Communications Commission in the Amateur Radio Service, by undertaking a study of the uses of amateur radio for emergency and disaster relief communications, by identifying unnecessary or unreasonable impediments to the deployment of Amateur Radio emergency and disaster relief communications, and by making recommendations for relief of such unreasonable restrictions so as to expand the uses of amateur radio communications in Homeland Security planning and response." This is one long sentence that is great to read. If we can get this passed, it could be a huge help to our collective hobby, both nationally and internationally. If we can successfully integrate emergency services and amateur radio  here in the US, it could greatly effect the way Amateur Radio is used in other countries. I look forward to seeing what becomes of this bill.